Tech Tips!

The Secret to Look Smarter Than Einstein in Business

Einstein is seen as the smartest guy who ever lived.  Why? What made him so smart? Many people have studied him and his brain to try to discover the magic formula.  There has been a ton of books on this subject.  How can you be smarter than Einstein? Business...

Smarter than Einstein

Beware of Heartbleed Security Threat on Your Business

As you may have heard, there has been a huge security threat.  This is a very big issue in the world of online transactions.  Even if your business doesn’t sell anything online it doesn’t matter.  This issue has to do with everything that is secure.  It's every...

heartbleed cyber security threat

3 Secret Advanced Google Search Tips to Find What You Want

We’ve all been there.  We are on the hunt for something.  We do what any 21st century person does. We Google it!  The first 10 results are spanned in front of us. They are not what we are looking for…. Sound familiar?  You have two options.  Go to the next page,...

advanced google search tips

Gravatar – The Secret Small Business Website Essential

Do you ever wonder how some people have their picture on blog comments? There is secret tool out there called Gravatar.  This is the best and easiest to use Cloud App on the market. All Gravatar does is create a picture business card.  This business card is put on...

Lens Small business website essentials

7 laws of Promoting Your Small Business Online

We live in an Internet world.  If you have a business then you need a website and social media.  I cover a lot of that with my How to start a website corner stone.  The truth is, promoting online really helps get customers locally and internationally. The problem...

promote small business online

7 Twitter Secrets to Promote Your Small Business Website

Twitter is a great and powerful business tool. Using Twitter in business will increase your brands exposure.  Also, Twitter is a great way to get customers to your small business website.   Here are some quick tips that will help you promote your business and...

Twitter secrets

Creative Ways to Build a Following With Content Marketing

This is a continuation of ‘What is small business content marketing’.  To understand and use content marketing for your small business website, you need to look at it like reporters do.  Think of the ‘who, what, where, when and why’.  In this blog post we are...

Creative ways to build