This is a continuation of ‘What is small business content marketing’. To understand and use content marketing for your small business website, you need to look at it like reporters do. Think of the ‘who, what, where, when and why’. In this blog post we are talking about the ‘who’.
Who are your customers?
I’m not talking about knowing all your customers by first name. It did work on ‘Cheers‘, but realistically that is impossible today. It’s better you know a certain type of customer. Take out your pen and paper to create a list of what your ideal customer would be. You can also think of the ideal customer that you already have. You know who that is -the one you’re always glad to see. Write down:
- Why they want to buy from you.
- What they want from you and your business.
- What extra items, information or products will help their business
It is all about knowing your customer and prospects. If you know who your customers are, then you can understand how they think. Gear your company emotionally towards your customers. Next time a company like ‘Target’, ‘BMW’ or any company you like has a commercial think about what feelings they are attracting you with? Be specific.
My example: ‘I help small businesses build and expand their online presence.’ My ideal customer is a business owner. He or she has been in business for years and wants to communicate and attract more customers online. They need help doing this. They don’t feel they are technical enough to accomplish this and want more of an online presences.
Even though my website, services and products are great for every business, I have focused on this group. I find that when you are focused on a certain group, others will also benefit.
Ask your self these content marketing questions:
- What makes an ideal customer?
- What are they looking to accomplish?
- What problem or problems can you help them solve?
Now write down in list form at least 5 answers to each of the questions. You know have fifteen possible content pieces for your small business website blog! Once you start writing about what your ideal customers want, then you will be attracting more of them. How cool is that?
Find out what your customers like and then write it on your small business website. Even better, give your writing, audio or video some feeling. Excite your customers!
Here are some more creative ways of attracting customers using content marketing:
- Write blogs or opinion articles on hyper-local news sites like or alternative press.
- Write articles and post them on article websites for your industry
- Guest post. Find someone in your industry that has a blog and guest post. You will need some great content on your business blog first.
Here are some toolbox resources to get you started with content marketing:
- How to Start A Website – List of my articles on how to start your small business website.
- See Scribe In Action! Copyblogger’s plugin for making your content more searchable by search engines like Google.
- Client Attraction – Free CD – A step by step system for attracting all the clients you need for your small business and incorporating all the essential elements needed to ensure you have clients attracted to you.
- HootSuite – Once you have the content, this is an easy way to send it to social media at once.
Let me know about your content marketing experience? What works for your business? Comment below and let us all know.
To your Tech Success,