Easy Tech & WordPress Solutions For your Business
Terry Culkin helps people understand and use technology in today’s fast pace tech-driven world. Over 20 years of Tech Experience Terry Can help organize your companies technology; build, secure & optimize your business website; find productive tools to do more with less time & money.

IT Management
Grow Your Business today by saving on your Technology. Know what tools will work and help grow your business. With over 20 years of IT experience I have helped businesses save money and be more productive with technology.

Web Development & Optimization
Websites are not only needed today but come in many types. A website isn’t a one size fits all and keeps changing. Each part of your business may even need a special site. Plus is your website secure, fast and viral?

Tech Made Easy!
There is so many fun and interesting things you, your kids and your family.
What fun things can we discover and amaze us. Let’s explore!
Tech Tips, Tutorials & Reviews
Are Your Industry Leaders on a WordPress Website?
A lot of people ask me what website do you recommend? I will recommend a Wordpress website, however, it may not be what your Industry Leaders are running. Look at what the leaders in your industry us for their website. I personally love and use WordPress....
5 Easy Ways to Backup a WordPress Website
The first line of a secure WordPress website is to be prepared. Backing up your website offsite (meaning not only on your web host) will guarantee if something happens you can recover your business website quickly. You are protecting your online business success by...
Create a Faster and Secure Website with CloudFlare
Hackers, malware, and spam! Oh, My! It’s hard to manage an online business, and everywhere you go you hear all the horror stories of Internet Security. How do you protect yourself? How do you protect your business website? First, I always tell my clients to make...
5 Cloud Based Creative Tools to Share Large Files
Have you ever tried to send a large file to someone? Or a lot of files. What went wrong? Was it slow? Did they get them? Did your email client give you a hard time! Let’s face it if you are sending large or many files you may run into some issues. So if you need to...
6 Mistakes On Your Small Business Website
Is your website marketing your small business? Reviewing many websites I have found 6 missing elements that hurt your business. A website is not a light fixture. You just don’t flip the switch. You need virtual items that people expect. A website is your businesses...
5 Free Ways To Increase Website Traffic Today
We all want more. When you are running an online business or any business that has a website, you want more people to see your website. Here are 5 quick ways to Increase website Traffic today! The great thing about them, they're FREE! 1 - BlogLovin - Follow...
How to Run Your Online Business Like Mickey Mouse?
My sons love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They can watch this show for hours, if we let them. Occasionally when I’m not writing or find myself needing a break, I will watch a couple of minutes. All parents do! It’s our form of downtime. Looking at Mickey Mouse...
How to Create a Secure Password That’s Easy to Remember
Everyone tells you that you need a secure password. You shouldn’t even use 1-2-3-4-5 for your luggage (Yes SpaceBalls reference!). Actually, you need a unique secure password for every website you login to! WHAT THE BLEEP !!!! Seriously, how in bleeping smurfs...
7 Must Have WordPress Plugins for your Business Website
WordPress is king. Currently 20% of websites out there are using WordPress. Meaning it is easy to get help and by far the most popular way to build a website. It’s easy to update your website once you learn it. WordPress has great core features that can help get...
The Hidden Google Search Tools That Save Time
Google is the almighty solution to find anything. I previously talked about 3 Secret Advanced Google Search Tips to Find What You Want. Now lets talk about one Google search feature that few people use but it’s a lifesaver. When you Search Google, you don’t always...