If you are going to hire someone to build or update your small business website you need to control it. There are a lot of issues you might get into down the road if you don’t follow the following tips. Or learn to build your own WordPress Website: Control...
Your Small Business Website lost in the Internet Ocean In the movie Finding Nemo, a father who happens to be a Clown fish searches the entire ocean for his little fish, son. The amazing part is they do find each other at the end. The true story is his survival and...
Many people who are new to WordPress will start out with the thousands of free themes that are offered for WordPress. Some are okay, however, most are poorly written or outdated. A free theme could open your website up to hackers, so beware. My favorite theme...
WordPress is the number one wWebsite management software(known as a Content Management Software) in the world. Millions of large and small businesses use this software because it is easy to update. Many people ask about installing WordPress. This is a tricky...
I always tell my clients to make sure that WordPress is always up to date. WordPress Security is very important! If they can’t update the software I do provide a service to do so. While WordPress gives the best tools to make a great website and give your...
When I talk with my clients about building a small business website I explain to them that I use WordPress blogging software. The first reaction is always the same, ‘I don’t want a Blog.’ I understand their concern however, I do believe that small business websites...